I have some classes with the same super-type. Therefore all of this classes have to override the same methods. Now I can call a method and commit it an object of the common super-type. But it is not always useful to react to each committed type therefore an exception is thrown. First i tried to solve this behaviour like this:
def operation(s: SuperType) = s match {
case t: SubType1 => ...
case t: SubType2 => ...
case _ => ...
Due to a lot of sub-types this will result to a lot of code (in each method and in each class) and I tried to solve this problem with traits
. Each trait should test only one type and then forward the object to the higher method on the stack. The code below describes how I imagine that. But this don't work because the compiler can't dissolve the types. An other problem is that I have to declare each attribute of the classes in each behaviour class.
object TraitWithTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val e1 = Even(2, 4)
val e2 = Even(1, 3)
val o1 = Odd(1.25, 3.75)
val o2 = Odd(7.25, 9.25)
val a1 = All(5.5)
val a2 = All(3.5)
println("e1 + e2: " + (e1 + e2))
println("o1 + o2: " + (o1 + o2))
try { println("e1 + o2: " + (e1 + o2)) } catch { case e => println(e) }
println("o1 + e2: " + (o1 + e2))
println("a1 + e1: " + (a1 + e2))
abstract class Num {
def +(n: Num): Num
trait OddBehaviour extends Num {
val e1, e2: Int // here I don't want to declare all attributes
val a1: Double
abstract override def +(n: Num) = n match {
case o: Odd => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Even#+(Odd)")
case _ => super.+(n)
trait EvenBehaviour extends Num {
val o1, o2: Double
val a1: Double
abstract override def +(n: Num) = n match {
case e: Even => Odd(o1 + e.e1, o2 + e.e2)
case _ => super.+(n)
trait AllBehaviour extends Num {
val o1, o2: Double
val e1, e2: Int
abstract override def +(n: Num) = n match {
case a: All => Odd(o1 + a.a1, o2 + a.a1)
case _ => super.+(n)
object Even {
def apply(e1: Int, e2: Int) = new Even(e1, e2) with OddBehaviour with AllBehaviour
abstract case class Even(e1: Int, e2: Int) extends Num {
override def +(n: Num) = n match {
case c: Even => Even(e1 + c.e1, e2 + c.e2)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException
object Odd {
def apply(o1: Double, o2: Double) = new Odd(o1, o2) with EvenBehaviour with AllBehaviour
abstract case class Odd(o1: Double, o2: Double) extends Num {
override def +(n: Num) = n match {
case o: Odd => Odd(o1 + o.o1, o2 + o.o2)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException
object All {
def apply(a1: Double) = new All(a1) with EvenBehaviour with OddBehaviour
abstract case class All(a1: Double) extends Num {
override def +(n: Num) = n match {
case a: All => All(a1 + a.a1)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException
Can someone give say me whether it is possible to reduce lines of code by using traits? Or is the match-all-solution I currently using the best?
With your help I found a half-working-solution. My main-problem was that I tried to reduce the lines of code by using Scala-features. So I overlooked the easiest way: outsourcing the code! I only have to create a new object which checks the object-combinations. The objects themselves handle only their own types.
This is the code:
final object TraitWithTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
import traitwith.operations._
val e1 = Even(2, 4)
val e2 = Even(1, 3)
val o1 = Odd(1.25, 3.75)
val o2 = Odd(7.25, 9.25)
val a1 = All(5.5)
val a2 = All(3.5)
val n1 = NumHolder(o1)
val n2 = NumHolder(a1)
println("e1 + e2: " + add(e1, e2))
println("o1 + o2: " + add(o1, o2))
try { println("e1 + o2: " + add(e1, o2)) } catch { case e => println(e) }
println("o1 + e2: " + add(o1, e2))
try { println("a1 + e2: " + add(a1, e2)) } catch { case e => println(e) }
println("n1 + n2: " + add(n1, n2))
final object operations {
def add(a: Num, b: Num) = a -> b match {
case (a1: Odd, b1: Odd) => a1 + b1
case (a1: Odd, b1: Even) => Odd(a1.x + b1.x, a1.y + b1.y)
case (a1: Odd, b1: All) => Odd(a1.x + b1.x, a1.y + b1.x)
case (a1: Even, b1: Even) => a1 + b1
case (a1: All, b1: All) => a1 + b1
case _ => error("can't add " + b + " to " + a)
abstract class Num {
type A <: Num
def +(a: A): A
final case class Odd(x: Double, y: Double) extends Num {
override type A = Odd
override def +(a: Odd) = Odd(x + a.x, y + a.y)
final case class Even(x: Int, y: Int) extends Num {
override type A = Even
override def +(a: Even) = Even(x + a.x, y + a.y)
final case class All(x: Double) extends Num {
override type A = All
override def +(a: All) = All(x + a.x)
final case class NumHolder(x: Num) extends Num {
override type A = NumHolder
override def +(a: NumHolder) = NumHolder(x + a.x)
I extended the code a bit and inserted the object NumHolder
. Now, there is only one little flaw: In NumHolder I can't commit the super-type without getting a compile error in the add-method. I tried to use Generics instead of the type-keyword but that is unhandy because I have always to set a type to Num (also in the object operations).
How can I solve this little compile error?