Hi everybody,
Could I ask you about a SPARQL query on an Ontology. I have a family.owl file is the ontology build from protege 3.4 with data:
Lan haschild Tuấn,
Tùng haschild Tuấn.
I use Java and CORESE API on site (http://www-sop.inria.fr/edelweiss/software/corese/v2_4_0/manual/index.php#coreseapi ) to query the family.owl above. With the following SPARQL query:
PREFIX fm:< http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1287989576.owl#>
SELECT ?child
fm:Lan fm:haschild ?child
The result is Tuấn (true result must be Tuấn)
If I replace "where" clause as: WHERE { fm:Tùng fm:haschild ?child }
then the result is empty (true result must be Tuấn)
I know the wrong result at string "Tùng" and "Tuấn". This string has character unicode ù, ấ
Can you have me using unicode character in CORESE API to query owl file with sparql.