+1  A: 

See the Refactoring rules section on how to add custom messages.

+1  A: 

You can't do this generally with the rule set, since class rules are just combinations of basic rules (for example even required is really required: { required: true } underneath) and those have the error messages. To get custom errors you'll have to set them per-element, or use the meta-data plugin to put the rules on the element directly.

Nick Craver
How can I set the errors per element if I am using css classes as opposed to id?
@devlife - check out the metadata/validation demo here: http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/custom-messages-metadata-demo.html it can be used with data attributes as well.
Nick Craver
I must be missing something. Here is the html for my input: <input class="field datePicker arrivalDate requiredDatePicker departureDate {required:true, date:true, messages:{required:'enter a valid date', date:'enter a valid date'}}"type="text" value="">. However, it is not being validated...
@devlife - are you including the metadata plugin? :)
Nick Craver
@Nick Craver - apparently that's what I was missing =)