




Well, heres what I mean.

Go to site.

Where it says latest news, there are some problems.

What i'm trying to do is:

Load site, see the loading bar.(image is in the HTML) The loading bar goes away, theres one paragraph that fades in.

That is what this is for.

// Hides the loading image and fadesin content
  var $latest = $(".latest") 
    .hide(); // Hide Content
  , 3000);

Now, what I also want to do is hide the paragraph, fadeIn another one, then the one after that. Then restart that and loop allover again.

That is what this is for:


  refreshId = setInterval(function() {
  next = $(".latest:visible").next(); 
  if (next.length) { 
  } else {
  }, 3000 );

As you can see, the two scripts conflicts with eachother and the whole thing goes crazy(That and the image keeps appearing). Is there a way to fix it?

+1  A: 

Try this:

setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);

function rotator() {
  var $paragraphs = $('#latest-news').find('p.latest'); // the paragraphs
  var i = 0;
  var looper = setInterval(function() {
    var showpara = i++ % $paragraphs.length; // choose next one to show
    $paragraphs.not(':eq(' + showpara + ')').hide() // hide others
      .end() // back to first selector
      .eq(showpara).fadeIn(); // show the next
    }, 3000);

Edit: Updated to handle loading message, encapsulate rotator in a function, and trigger that function when the loading message is hidden.

Ken Redler
The image is still displaying after each loop
You want the loading graphic to show only once? Or between each paragraph reveal?
Ken Redler
Only once....,,,,
Okay, I'm updating my answer to include logic for the loading message.
Ken Redler
almost!!! Look at the site, all 3 appears, then after seconds later it starts working! also the image is animating its not fading out
You still want your `$latest.hide()` stuff. Better yet, set a css class with `display: none` so the default state of those paragraphs is hidden. As for the animation -- let's add a duration argument of zero (modified above) before the callback.
Ken Redler
Thank you man! Im asking for one more favor, mind explaining a bit of the code so I can learn from it?