Hey All, thanks for the help in advance. I'm trying to create and remove input fields dynamically, they create just fine, but when i try to remove them it doesn't seem to find the div thats created, and removes the div above it, and hence all the inputs, instead of the just the one.
Heres my jscript:
$("#addp").live('click' ,(function() {
var partid = $('#partlist').val();
var partname = $("#partlist option:selected").text();
$('<label for="parts" class="left">' + partname + ': </label>').appendTo('#parts');
$('<input type="text" name="part[' + partid + ']">').appendTo('#parts');
$('<input type="button" class="removepart" value="X">').appendTo('#parts');
$(".removepart").live('click', (function () {
and HTML
<p class="edit">Parts Used</p>
<label for="parts" class="blank">Search for a Part</label>
<input type="text" name="partsearch" id="searchp_box" />
<input type="button" id="searchp_button" name="search" value="Search">
<label for="parts" class="blank">Parts Used</label>
<select name="parts" id="partlist">
<input type="button" name="search" id="addp" value="Add Part">
<div id="parts">
It should removes the closest div, which is created when you press the add button, but instead it removes the whole div id="parts" .
I searched around and was told to use .live, but it didn't seem to work :(
Thanks for reading :)