I have a problem with this exercise:
Write a program in C that creates a child and between father and child, there will be two-way communication using pipes. His father would read a file (whose name will be given the user) and will send letters to the child.
The child will count the number of words starting from with 'a'; if the number is, whether X of words, X, starting with 'a' is greater than 5, then the child will create his own child (grandchild). The grandchild of the establishment will send, by whatever means you deem possible, the grandfather * value of X number and exit. [By inference: if the number X is less than 6, then the child simply exits, and the 'would be grandparent' also exits.]
- Note: Grandfather = initial process of the father, that father of his father's grandchild
Here is what I have done till now; please help me...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd1[2], fd2[2], pid, status,sum=0, i;
char gram[100], x;
char buff[100];
char rev[1000];
FILE *fp;
if (pipe(fd1) == -1) { /* Create a pipe */
pid = fork();
switch (pid)
case -1:
perror ("Fork error\n");
exit(99); // in case of error
case 0:
close(fd1[1]);//Close the writing side
rev[1000]= read(fd1[0], buff, 1000); /* Read from the pipe */
/*for (i=0; i< 1000 ; i++)
rev[i] = read(fd1[0], buff, sizeof(buff));
while( rev[i] != '\0')
if (buff[i] == 'a' )
{ sum++;
if (rev[i] == "")
if (rev[i+1]) //elenxei to epomeno tou kenou
printf("%d", sum);
printf("dwse arxeio\n");
scanf("%s", gram);
close(fd1[0]);//Close the reading side
fp = fopen (gram,"r");
write(fd1[1], buff, sizeof(buff)+1);
close(fd1[1]);//Close the writing side
wait(&status); // waits till the child process ends