



My need is to write a code, which

  • creates a db
  • creates four tables
  • creates primary keys
  • creates foreign keys
  • and constraints like type int or boolean or string etc

Yes I know w3c shools has the sql codes, but the problem is I first need to detect if these things exists or not one by one.

And this is for me a great problem.

I tried to work with sql exceptions, but it does not provide way to categorize the exceptions --like databasethereexception--tablealreadythereEXCEPTION..

So please provide some coded examples or links for the above purpose,

note: yes I can google, but it is full full full of examples and codes, it gets too confusing, so hoping for straight professional examples please

Also a sample of the type of code i am working with

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;

public partial class Making_DB : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //check or make the db

    public void CheckDB()
            string Data_source = @"Data Source=A-63A9D4D7E7834\SECOND;";
            string Initial_Catalog = @"Initial Catalog=master;";
            string User = @"User ID=sa;";
            string Password = @"Password=two";

            string full_con = Data_source + Initial_Catalog + User + Password;

            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(full_con);


            SqlDataAdapter DBcreatingAdaptor = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DataSet ds2 = new DataSet();
            SqlCommand CheckDB = new SqlCommand("select * from sys.databases where name = 'my_db'", connection);
            DBcreatingAdaptor.SelectCommand = CheckDB;
            GridView1.DataSource = ds2;
            GridView1.DataBind();   // do not forget this//
            Response.Write("<br />WORKING(shows zero if db not there) checking by gridview rows: " + GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString());
            Response.Write("<br />NOT WORKING(keeps on showing one always!) checking by dataset tables: " + ds2.Tables.Count.ToString());

            //Inaccesible due to protection level. Why??
            //SqlDataReader reader = new SqlDataReader(CheckDB, CommandBehavior.Default);
        catch (Exception e)
            Response.Write("   checking::    " +  e.Message);
    }//check db

    public void MakeDB()
            string Data_source = @"Data Source=A-63A9D4D7E7834\SECOND;";
            //string Initial_Catalog = @"Initial Catalog=replicate;";
            string User = @"User ID=sa;";
            string Password = @"Password=two";

            string full_con = Data_source + User + Password;

            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(full_con);


            //SqlCommand numberofrecords = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Table_1", connection);
            SqlCommand CreateDB = new SqlCommand("CREATE DATABASE my_db", connection);

            //DataSet ds2 = new DataSet();

            SqlDataAdapter DBcreatingAdaptor = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DBcreatingAdaptor.SelectCommand = CreateDB;

            //check for existance
            //select * from sys.databases where name = 'my_db'

            DataSet ds2 = new DataSet();
            SqlCommand CheckDB = new SqlCommand(" select * from sys.databases where name = 'my_db'", connection);
            DBcreatingAdaptor.SelectCommand = CheckDB;
            GridView1.DataSource = ds2;

            //if not make it
        catch (Exception e)
            Response.Write("<br /> createing db error:  " + e.Message);
    }//make db

Thank you so much answerers, this forum has helped me a lot, I would start a bounty for this question, but I have lot more to come :-) which would deserve a bounty

+1  A: 

I am very sure of the cross-over between this and the other question - however, it sounds to me like you are approaching this from the wrong end.

I would write this as a TSQL script, making use of EXEC to avoid problems with the checker, for example:

USE [master]
if not exists ( ... database ...)
    print 'creating database...'   
    exec ('...create database...')
USE [database]
if not exists( ... check schema tables for 1st thing ... )
    print 'Creating 1st thing...'
    exec ('...create 1st thing...')
if not exists( ... check schema tables for 2nd thing ... )
    print 'Creating 2nd thing...'
    exec ('...create 2nd thing...')
if not exists( ... check schema tables for 3rd thing ... )
    print 'Creating 3rd thing...'
    exec ('...create 3rd thing...')

Then you can gradually extend this script as your schema changes, and all you need to do is re-run the script for it to update the database.

Marc Gravell
thnks, but the ans with vs c# code is helpful currently

May be it is not directly you want, but for easy database creation & population from .Net review usage of wide migrate tool. My preference (Migrator.NET) but full review can be found there:

+2  A: 

As I've already mentioned in my comment - I would NEVER write out directly to the Response stream from a function like this! Pass back a string with an error message or something - but do NOT write out to the stream or screen directly.

You should use the best practice of wrapping SqlConnection and SqlCommand into using(...){.....} blocks to make sure they get properly disposed. Also, populating a gridview from within this code is really bad - you're mixing database access (backend) code and UI frontend code - really really bad choice. Why can't you just pass back the data table and then bind it in the UI front end code to the grid??

public DataTable CheckDB()
    DataTable result = new DataTable();

        string connectionString = 
          string.Format("server={0};database={1};user id={2};pwd={3}"
                        "A-63A9D4D7E7834\SECOND", "master", "sa", "two"); 

        string checkQuery = "SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'my_db'";

        using(SqlConnection _con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        using(SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(checkQuery, _con))
            SqlDataAdapter DBcreatingAdaptor = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd);
    catch (SqlException e)
         // you can inspect the SqlException.Errors collection and 
         // get **VERY** detailed description of what went wrong,
         // including explicit SQL Server error codes which are 
         // unique to each error

    return result;
}//check db

Also - you're doing the MakeDB() method way too complicated - why a table adapter?? All you need is a SqlCommand to execute your SQL command - you already have a method that checks that a database exists.

public void MakeDB()
        string connectionString = 
          string.Format("server={0};database={1};user id={2};pwd={3}"
                        "A-63A9D4D7E7834\SECOND", "master", "sa", "two"); 

        string createDBQuery = "CREATE DATABASE my_db";

        using(SqlConnection _con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        using(SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(createDBQuery, _con))
    catch (SqlException e)
       // check the detailed errors 
       // error.Number = 1801 : "database already exists" (choose another name)
       // error.Number = 102: invalid syntax (probably invalid db name)
       foreach (SqlError error in e.Errors)
          string msg = string.Format("{0}/{1}: {2}", error.Number, error.Class, error.Message);
}//make db