




So I have this script on a website i'm working on, which basically loads images from a database and puts them in a div. When all the images are loaded, I want it to fire a scroller plugin (smoothdivscroll). But I can't find a way to make the last part work.

Here is the code:

$.get("pages/photosgigs.php", { gig: $(this).attr("id")}, function(data) {
    $(window).load( function() {

The php script on photosgigs.php returns a simple <img class="photo" src="..." />. I've also tried it with $("img.photo").load() which, although I know it would fire when the first image is loaded, also doesn't work. Also tried $("#makeMeScrollableGall").load(), doesn't work either.

I'm beginning to think my problem lies in the fact that my images are loaded dynamically. Is this correct?

Or am I just being a plain retard and am I doing everthing wrong?


Unfortunately, that also doesn't seem to work. The function simply doesn't get triggered. Maybe this piece of code will clarify what I'm doing and why it doesn't work:

    $paneOptions.scrollTo("#gallery", 1500);

    $.get("pages/photosgigs.php", { gig: $(this).attr("id")}, function(data) {

    $("img.photo").live('load', function(){
    $("#indexbtn").animate({opacity: 1, left: $(window).width() - $(window).width() * 0.07 , top: 0 }, 1500);

First, window.onload is rarely ever what you'll want here. The onload event fires once when the page first loads, it won't fire again...so currently you're adding a listener for an event that's already fired and won't fire again. Instead use the load event on the image and check that it hasn't already fired (which it might have, if it's loading from cache).

Those changes would look like this:

$.get("pages/photosgigs.php", { gig: $(this).attr("id") }, function(data) {
  //load data, find the photo we just added
  $('#makeMeScrollableGall').html(data).find('img.photo').load(function() {
    //when the load event fires for the image, run this
  //loop through the loaded images (just one) but this is easier
  }).each(function() { 
     //if the image was already loaded (cached) fire the load event above
     if(this.complete) $(this).load(); 

The .complete is checking if the image is already loaded, if it is then fire our event handler just bound by calling .load() (shortcut for .trigger('load")).

Nick Craver
Thanks, works like a charm. Is there any way to know when the last image is loaded?
@scipicore - If you did `var ImgCount = $('#makeMeScrollableGall img.photo').length` you could store that, and decrement it inside the `.load()` handler...when it reaches 0 (happens when the last `<img>` `load` handler is running) then run your code, make sense?
Nick Craver
@Nick Craver - Yes, but how am I supposed to get the length while I'm loading the images? The way I see it now is: Get 1 image from server - fire load event - Get 1 image from server - fire lo.. How do I know beforehand how many images I'm loading?
@scipicore - You don't...that's what the `.length` check is for. I think a full example would be much clearer here: http://www.jsfiddle.net/nick_craver/QV9RS/ Does that help? :)
Nick Craver

@Nick Craver - Thanks, that helped a lot.
