I have a homework that I wanna present neatly.
Yes you can do this with Dia and use the ER Shapes. Than you can use "er2sql", I wrote, which generates all the sql statements for the tables with attributes, keys and foreign keys. http://sourceforge.net/projects/er2sql/
If you're in the Visual Studio usage; you can use Entity Framework and print out the model it generates.
There's also Enterprise Architect, which is a bit of an overkill imho.
You can use MySQL Workbench 5.0. It'll create nice E/R diagrams, as long as you're able to ignore the MySQL slant to things.
I think simplicity is the key here, not a programming language that must be learned, just to produce an Entity Relation Diagram. Also, you've asked for ERDs which are really simple (Entities, Relations only), and many here are proposing tools required to build a full full Data Model (columns, plus plus).
Any simple drawing tool will do for ERDs. OmniGraffle rocks on Apples (which more and more students have nowadays, at least in the developing world), and for which there are some great stencils (heh, heh); Visio or ABCFlowCharter if your machine is a Piece of Crap.