I'm trying to use the userBox plugin and in the example we have the following array being built:
var data = [
{text: "Adam Adamson", id: "[email protected]"},
{text: "Betsy Boop", id: "[email protected]"},
{text: "Jooles Jooles", id: "[email protected]"}
I want to build my array at runtime using JSON data I receive from my webservice. In my code I have tried to mimic this array with the following.
var data = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < msg.d.ListExercise.length; i++) {
if (i > 0 && i < msg.d.ListExercise.length - 1) {
data.push('{text: ' + '"' + msg.d.ListExercise[i].exercise_value + '"' + ' , id: ' + '"' + msg.d.ListExercise[i].exercise_id + '"' + '},');
if (i == msg.d.ListExercise.length - 1) {
data.push('{text: ' + '"' + msg.d.ListExercise[i].exercise_value + '"' + ' , id: ' + '"' + msg.d.ListExercise[i].exercise_id + '"' + '}');
From what I understand in the example he building a string array. I have verified that the array is being added to and that the data is being added to it. However, when I pass my array into the plugin code it shows the word 'Undefined' 135 times (the length of the array).
My Array looks something like this:
{text: "Standard Push-Up" , id: "1"},
{text: "Wide Front Pull-Up" , id: "2"},
{text: "Vertical Punches" , id: "135"}
What is the best way to get my data into his array example in javascript?