



I have the following if statement in javascript. I am targeting pages which have art-8 in url.

Sample url is like this,

However this will pick up an url with cart-8 and I don't want that.

I want only select art-8 in url not cart-8.

How should I change it?

if (location.pathname.indexOf('art-8') > 0){


Do I need regex?

Thanks in advance.


What about this regexp?

What if the string is just `"art-8"`?
The pathname part is always going to begin with a slash, at least for HTTP.
+1  A: 
if (/\/art-8\/?$/.test(location.pathname)) {

will match any pathname ending in /art-8 or /art-8/. Or splitting the pathname into its component parts:

var parts = location.pathname.split('/').slice(1);
if(parts[parts.length - 1] == '') parts = parts.slice(0, -1);
if(parts[parts.length - 1] == 'art-8') {

EDIT: If art-8 need not be at the end, but there is a slash before it:

if (/\/art-8/.test(location.pathname)) {

Or if there isn't necessarily a slash before it, but you just want to look for art-8 without a c before it (pathname will always begin with a slash, so there will always be at least one character before and this will work):

if (/[^c]art-8/.test(location.pathname)) {

Note that pathname does not include the ? and what comes after it, so even the first two examples I gave should work for the specific example URL you gave if you add .asp just after the 8.

art-8 is a part of url, not at the end
Is .test() a js function?
@shin: Yes, it is a method of RegExp objects that returns `true` if the regex matches the given string and `false` if it does not. Both `/test/` and `new RegExp("test")` are ways to write regexes in JavaScript.
Thanks. solved.

If you're only concerned with individual path segments, and you want to find only paths that contain at least one path segment that is exactly equal to 'art-8', then you could do this:

if (location.pathname.indexOf('/art-8/') > 0) {

which would work for all cases except the case where 'art-8' was at the end, without a trailing slash. You could add another check for the special case, without the trailing slash, and including a check to be sure the index places it at the end of the line.

but if you're on modern browsers, with RegExp support, then all you need is:

var rx=new RegExp("/art-8(/|$)");
if( rx.test(location.pathname) ) {

w3schools has a fairly comprehensive reference for the javascript RegExp object
