




Hello all,

I would like to each time the div expands, to add the class 'selecionado' once the expansion is finished. When the contraction is done (the slideUp part) I would like to remove this class.

Can I have a help here please?

  $('#listaCategoriaA').slideToggle('slow', function() {

Thanks in advance, MEM

+1  A: 

You can toggle the class using .toggleClass() based on if the element .is() :visible after the animation, like this:

$('#btCategoriaA').click(function() {
  $('#listaCategoriaA').slideToggle('slow', function() {
    $('#btCategoriaA').toggleClass('selecionado', $(this).is(':visible'));
Nick Craver
You really rock on js don't you? :P Thanks a lot. :D
One more thing please, I'm doing this using using css states like a:hover. The thing is, I need to disable the hover, once the user clicks, otherwise, the effect will be quite weird, because once it clicks the state should change, but since it's hovered, it doesn't. :s Is there a way to disable the a:hover applied once the user clicks or something?
@MEM - You can have the `:hover` as `a.Off:hover` and remove that `Off` class when adding the `selecionado` one.
Nick Craver
@Nick Craver: So, the a.Off:hover will NOT apply the hover effect. Once we remove the Off part, the hover will be applied, is that the trick?
@MEM - it should start off with the `Off` class, then when it's removed it'll no longer be `a.Off`, so the `:hover` on that class won't work, make sense?
Nick Craver
@Nick Craver: I'm to tired or I'm to dummy do get it. :( Care to update your js answer with the css part so that I can study it and understand what you mean?
@Nick Craver: I got it. :D Thanks a lot.;)
@Nick Craver: No I haven't! OMG. :(