Hi. I use this code to update the user database with the latest time when the user was online:
$postTime = $user_array['last_online'];
if ($postTime == ""){
$minutes = 11;
} else {
$now = time();
$seconds = $now - $postTime; // $seconds now contains seconds since post time
$minutes = ceil($seconds / 60); // minutes since post time
//$hours = ceil($minutes / 60); //hours
if ($minutes > 10) {
$con = db_connect2();
$sql = "UPDATE tbl
SET last_online='".strtotime("now")."'
WHERE userid='" .mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['userid']). "'";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);
I am not sure if thats the best way to do it, but I think it works. Now I want to get all the users that have been active within the last 10 minutes with a mysql command. Is this possible. Something like
$time = time() - 600;
$online = $conn->query("select username
from tbl
where last_online < $time");