



I want to (quickly) put a program/script together to read the fileset from a .torrent file. I want to then use that set to delete any files from a specific directory that do not belong to the torrent.

Any recommendations on a handy library for reading this index from the .torrent file? Whilst I don't object to it, I don't want to be digging deep into the bittorrent spec and rolling a load of code from scratch for this simple purpose.

I have no preference on language.

+1  A: from the original Mainline BitTorrent 5.x client ( would give you pretty much the reference implementation in Python.

It has an import dependency on the BTL package but that's trivially easy to remove. You'd then look at bencode.bdecode(filecontent)['info']['files'].

this only give the ability to bencode and bdecode strings though, right?But no knowledge of where the bencoded fileset strings actually start and end. i.e after the bencoded metadata and before the binary block
The root and info objects are both dictionaries (mappings). There's no inherent ordering of the file metadata and the binary checksum strings, except that by convention dictionaries are output in key name order. You need not concern yourself with storage order, just suck the whole dictionary in.
+2  A: 

I would use rasterbar's libtorrent which is a small and fast C++ library.
To iterate over the files you could use the torrent_info class (begin_files(), end_files()).

There's also a python interface for libtorrent.

+7  A: 

Effbot has your question asnwered. Here is the complete code to read the list of files from .torrent file (Python 2.4+):

import re

def tokenize(text, match=re.compile("([idel])|(\d+):|(-?\d+)").match):
    i = 0
    while i < len(text):
        m = match(text, i)
        s =
        i = m.end()
        if m.lastindex == 2:
            yield "s"
            yield text[i:i+int(s)]
            i = i + int(s)
            yield s

def decode_item(next, token):
    if token == "i":
        # integer: "i" value "e"
        data = int(next())
        if next() != "e":
            raise ValueError
    elif token == "s":
        # string: "s" value (virtual tokens)
        data = next()
    elif token == "l" or token == "d":
        # container: "l" (or "d") values "e"
        data = []
        tok = next()
        while tok != "e":
            data.append(decode_item(next, tok))
            tok = next()
        if token == "d":
            data = dict(zip(data[0::2], data[1::2]))
        raise ValueError
    return data

def decode(text):
        src = tokenize(text)
        data = decode_item(,
        for token in src: # look for more tokens
            raise SyntaxError("trailing junk")
    except (AttributeError, ValueError, StopIteration):
        raise SyntaxError("syntax error")
    return data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = open("test.torrent", "rb").read()
    torrent = decode(data)
    for file in torrent["info"]["files"]:
        print "%r - %d bytes" % ("/".join(file["path"]), file["length"])