I have 2 textbox in my asp.net page and also have one hiddenfield in my asp.net page , my hiddenfield will always have numeric value like 123.00 , and in my one textbox also I will always have numeric value like 20.00 now I want to add this hiddenfield value and textbox value and display it into second textbox thru javascript
I wrote the following code to do this
var amt = document.getElementById("txtsecond");
var hiddenamt = document.getElementById("AmtHidden").value
var fee = document.getElementById("txtFirst").value;
amt.value = hiddenamt + fee;
this should give me result like 123.00+20.00 = 143.00 but this is concatnating hiddenamt value and fee value and giving me result like 12320.00 in my first textbox
can anybody suggest me what is wrong in my code and what is the right way to get desired value