



Hi all,

This is regarding SSRS engine. For my project we are not going to buy SQL server software. Instead of what I just want to know, is there any posibility to use only SSRS engine. So that I can have the ref. (DLL) And then I can use wherever I want.

Please help on this.


The SQL Server Reporting services engine is not just a dll. So it will be not just as simple as adding a ref.

You typically have to deploy reports to a webserver and invoke the reports though there.

I'd advise you to look here:

John Nolan
+2  A: 

If we don't consider the technical aspects of getting SSRS to run without SQL Server, you still need SQL Server for the license. SSRS is an integrated part of SQL Server, not a standalone component.

So no, without buying SQL Server licenses, you cannot use SSRS, even if you were technically able to do it, which I doubt anyway.

Lasse V. Karlsen

SQL Server Express, the free one, comes with Reporting Services. No need to shell out for a full blown SQL Server.

Neil D