



Can anybody clarify if Microsoft has released a [draft] specification of C# 4.0 yet? If so, where can I find/download it?

+3  A: 

Try here C# 4.0 Documentation it may be too high level for you.

John Nolan
>>it may be too high level for youWell... didn't mean to sound all geeky there... ;)Hm.. yes, as Marc metioned it does seem to miss some key info...But a starting point nevertheless...
Vyas Bharghava

Not yet, though many of the features have been announced. The DLR (dynamic language runtime) extensions, which are the biggest new feature of 4.0 are available in pre-release beta form. My company has used them extensively in case you're in need of any help :)

oh... see here for further details

Jesse Pepper
I want to work for your company! My client's still stuck with C# 2.0 :)
Vyas Bharghava
+3  A: 

No spec yet, but the CTP is available for playing with - but note that this doesn't yet include all the features discussed in the the (preliminary) documentation - in particular, many of the dynamic features (in particular operator support) are missing (meaning: the C# language / compiler features that work with dynamic; for all I know the runtime supports them but the language doesn't yet).

It will also be interesting to see how many of the new Expression methods are supported by the language when compiling a lambda.

Marc Gravell
Yeah, missed downloading the first day [CTP]... and had to wait for the next 3 days [the links weren't functional] before I could get my hands on the 10GB download...
Vyas Bharghava
+4  A: 

The C# 4.0 Draft Specification is located here.

Jeff Moser