If fixing the source of the error is not an option, you should look at this:
I believe using "handle" or "try" or "catch" or whatever from Control.Exception is the key here, the functions in the standard prelude only deal with IO-Exceptions, not with errors in pure code.
In Haskell98, pure code cannot deal with exceptions. Pure functions must return a value, an exception is a failure to return a value.
import qualified Control.Exception as C
x ::String
x = undefined
y = "return value"
main = do C.handle (\_ -> return "caught") (C.evaluate x) >>= print
C.handle (\_ -> return "caught") (C.evaluate y) >>= print
The call to evaluate is to force the evaluation of x and y, haskell being lazy and all.
If you let the evaluation of x be deferred until later (lazily), the exception will also be thrown later, in a different place (in this case it is "print" that uses the value), where it may not be caught.