This one will return the lower case tagname of the matched element.
for example,
would return div
(assuming that element was a div).
If you pass an element collection, it returns an array of all the tagnames, where each array entry corresponds to the matched element.
for example if we run
on the following (X)HTML:
<p class="classname">test text</p>
<div class="anotherClass">
<li class="classname"><a href="test">Test link</a></li>
<p class="classname">Some more text</p>
would an array of tagnames:
["p", "li", "p"]
This is the function - it's basically the same as above but it supports multiple elements, which may or may not be useful to your project.
jQuery.fn.tagName = function(){
if(1 === this.length){
return this[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
} else{
var tagNames = [];
this.each(function(i, el){
tagNames[i] = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
return tagNames;