



I need some way to add a class attribute to the output of the label_tag() method for a forms field.

I see that there is the ability to pass in an attrs dictionary and I have tested it in the shell and I can do something like:

for field in form:
    print field.label_tag(attrs{'class':'Foo'})

I will see the class='Foo' in my output, but I don't see a way to add an attrs argument from the template - in fact, templates are designed specifically against that, no?

Is there a way in my form definition to define the class to be displayed in the label?

In the form, I can do the following to give the inputs a class

self.fields['some_field'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'Foo'

I just need to have it output the class for the as well.

+2  A: 

A custom template tag seems to be the solution. A custom filter would also do, although it can be less elegant. But you would need to fall back to custom form rendering in both cases.

If this is a task of high importance; I'd create a Mixin that allows me to annotate the form fields with label classes and supplies form rendering methods using those classes. So that the following code works:

{{ form.as_table_with_label_classes }}

But I'd like to ask; Do you really need a class on the label tag? I mean HTML design-wise. It is absolutely necessary to add a class in there? Couldn't it be solved with some CSS like:

encapsulating_selector label {
    some-attr: some-value;

I sometimes use jQuery for such cases where; it will improve the page if it works, but it won't be a disaster if it doesn't. And keep the HTML source as lean as possible.

+1  A:

+1  A:


I am aggre with answer number one, with css this could be done, but. Why is the reson for this in django source.

class BoundField(StrAndUnicode): in that has the definition of def label_tag(self, contents=None, attrs=None): had been prepare to display this attrs in contents = u'%s' % (widget.id_for_label(id_), attrs, unicode(contents))

but def _html_output call this function without attrs in label = bf.label_tag(label) or ''

So I seed that django are partially prepare to this but actually it does not used that.

Jose Jorge Lorenzo Vila

How about adding the CSS class to the form field in the, like:

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    title = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'foo'}))

then I just do the following in the template:

<label for="id_{{}}" class="bar">
    {{ form.title }}

Of course this can easily be modified to work within a for loop tag in the template.
