Can someone tell me what exactly the two above lines of javascript do? And more importantly, what it's called so I can search some javascript references to learn about it? I assume they are both creating some form of an array that objects can be added to...?
It creates an empty dictionary in map
and an empty array in list
Read up on these structures at
Ben Alpert
2009-01-06 06:11:08
Your link calls javascript objects hash tables, you call them dictionaries. Just call them objects - calling them something else is misleading at best - see
2009-01-06 10:57:02
Curly braces are syntax for creating a Javascript object (which is really a glorified collection of key/value pairs); the brackets make a resizable array.
These are called literals, and they're a handy shortcut to help you make objects and arrays without a lot of typing (good, because you use them all the time). Many other programming languages have similar literal syntax for maps and arrays.
J Cooper
2009-01-06 06:16:18