



I changed a reference in my project from pointing to a specific hard-coded DLL to a project reference and now I'm getting an error telling me that the signature for some event handlers don't match even though they do.

Here's one exact message:

Method 'Private Sub ObjectsGrid_CellChange(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellEventArgs)' cannot handle Event 'Public Event CellChange(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellEventArgs)' because they do not have the same signature.

What's also odd is if I drop the control in the GUI editor and have VS automatically create the handler, it still produces the same error.


Are the compiled dll, its respective project, and the user project all referencing the same version of the Infragistics assemblies? From what I've seen, any time you have a signature that appears to match, an error like this means you are referencing two different versions of an assembly and attempting to use one in place of the other.
