I'm learning javascript and while browsing throught the JQuery library I see ':' being used alot. What is this used for in javascript?
// Return an array of filtered elements (r)
// and the modified expression string (t)
return { r: r, t: t };
I'm learning javascript and while browsing throught the JQuery library I see ':' being used alot. What is this used for in javascript?
// Return an array of filtered elements (r)
// and the modified expression string (t)
return { r: r, t: t };
var o = {
r: 'some value',
t: 'some other value'
is functionally equivalent to
var o = new Object();
o.r = 'some value';
o.t = 'some other value';
That's JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation. It's a quick way of describing an object, or a hash map. The thing before the colon is the property name, and the thing after the colon is its value. So in this example, there's a property "r", whose value is whatever's in the variable r. Same for t.
It is part of the object literal syntax. The basic format is:
var obj = { field_name: "field value", other_field: 42 };
Then you can access these values with:
obj.field_name; // -> "field value"
obj["field_name"]; // -> "field value"
You can even have functions as values, basically giving you the methods of the object:
obj['func'] = function(a) { return 5 + a;};
obj.func(4); // -> 9
The ':' is a delimiter for key value pairs basically. In your example it is a Javascript Object notation.
In javascript, Objects are defined with the colon delimiting the identifier for the property, and its value so you can have the following:
return {
Property1 : 125,
Property2 : "something",
Method1 : function() { /* do nothing */ },
array: [5, 3, 6, 7]
and then use it like:
var o = {
property1 : 125,
property2 : "something",
method1 : function() { /* do nothing */ },
array: [5, 3, 6, 7]
alert(o.property1); // Will display "125"
It is also known as JSON (Javascript Object Notation) which is useful in AJAX calls because it is compact and quick to parse in server-side languages and Javascript can easily de-serialize a JSON string into an object like:
// The parenthesis '(' & ')' around the object are important here
var o = eval('(' + "{key: \"value\"}" + ')');
You can also put the key inside quotes if it contains some sort of special character or spaces, but I wouldn't recommend that because it just makes things harder to work with.
You guys are forgetting that the colon is also used in the ternary operator (though I don't know if jquery uses it for this purpose).
the ternary operator is an expression form (expressions return a value) of an if/then statement. it's used like this:
var result = (condition) ? (value1) : (value2) ;
A ternary operator could also be used to produce side effects just like if/then, but this is profoundly bad practice.
And also, a colon can be used to label a statement. for example
var i = 100, j = 100;
while(i>0) {
while(j>0) {
if(j>50) {
break outerloop;
Just thought I'd mention that another use of the colon is to assign data types to variables -
var s : String;
means that the variable s is of type String