Contrary to the current fad, OOP languages are the not the first thing you want to learn. As someone else mentioned in another post if you want to learn something, do you read about it or do you actually try to do it?
By that logic the less you need to know in order to code a working application the better off you will be (as a beginner anyway) :)
C++ and other OOP languages were created by engineers for engineers and it shows. Higher level languages (whether they have a consistent design or not) tend to be cluttered with complex features and useful mechanisms whos internal mechanisms are not immediately obvious.
Ironically enough the human thought-process tends to be linear and so procedural programming is a better fit for people just starting out. Ever wonder why the first letter of BASIC stands for "Beginners"?
That said there is a reason why many languages, even very high level ones such as Python or Lua can STILL interface with C, because while it may not be simple it's design IS simple and cosistant with very few gotchas to account for which makes for a smooth learning process.
More importantly however is the ability to obtain feedback when programming. Humans are visually oriented and having some form of visual confirmation of program success or correctness is imperative. When testing the functions of the language, as well as our own code, many new programmers will right minitests to confirm their code is functional.
This is of course where C falls flat. Its true we have printf and scanf but that does little in the way of help the new programmer when trying to discern which of the plethora of IO functions available in the standard library is the correct one to use in any given situation.
Python or almost any other language mentioned here (with a few exceptions) would be a good fit just so long as you don't get stuck with them. Programming languages are tools used to solve problems. Different languages will be needed for different problems. And with time the tools will improve and change to better solve problems, or to handle new problems that appear.
Personally I would say she should start with what she expects to learn: C. Nothing like an early start to get you going! I was a complete newbie to programming just a month earlier (except for a few batch scripts, but those don't count) and I started with C. I'm now working with SDL regularly as well as several other relativly (for a beginner) difficult libraries.
IF theres is one thing that life has taught me it's that no matter how difficult, if you set your mind to learning something you often can! :)