When you think about it developing Web applications doesn't differ too much from developing Platform specific applications. The common ground I'm trying to point out here is that there is the following:
- Development Team
- Management
There are more roles in a development and in selling the software, but these are the only two important at the start.
What you want to focus on, depending on the size of the project, is the documentation. If the project is as big as let's say StackOverflow you might want to put 1 - 2 months pure documentation planning before you even concider starting the development.
There should in my opinion be three documents: Analysis, Requirements and Design. These three form a very nice triangle and are important for the further work.
Meanwhile the documents are formed the management team needs to take on some resposabillity too, the forming of the documents aren't only made by coders and uml folks, the management team needs to sit down with the customer, users and other parties that might be interesting to find common interests which should weight more in this documentation.
Which development process you have selected to work with is in this stage not important, this only becomes relevant when the development starts, this is my opinion anyways, since i like to work with Scrum and that doesnt really work on the documentation part because there are far to many variables to count the time on each sprint.
Now, you got your documentation, the coders need to select a language, these are the important parts to take in mind:
- What is the Deployment System Specifications?
- What languages are possible to use?
- Which language does the customer require, if none, which does the developers preffer?
Once the language is selected you can start the development process. I won't go through a complete development process because they are very different. But set up good points, on date X function Y needs to be finished and have at least Z unit tests to provide solid information about when it fails, why it fails and when it succeeds and why.
The management team in this stage is "only" there for supporting developers, giving them what they need to be comfortable in their work space. When the development comes to the stage when it's ready to deploy or tested, the management team needs to find a user base to test it and set up the appropriet methods for it.
Good luck with your project.