



Is there some sort of profiling tool available? View source and search/replace?

+2  A: 

Although the message is usually a problem in IE, loading the page in Firefox with Firebug will let you see what is going on.

Also, you might find it helpful to leave the protocol off of the URLs in the first place: Http-https transitions and relative URLs.

Ned Batchelder
What seems especially useful is the "Net" tab in FireBug. It lists all the resources that are downloaded. When you hover over one of the resources, it shows the protocol that was used during the download!
Craig Hyatt
+1  A: 

I used view source which helps, although you might want to get a tool that lets you see the current source of the page like firebug in firefox.

One thing I ran into where this didn't help is if you have an iFrame in IE6 without a src attribute. IE6 will warn you about mixed content. No ammount of viewing source helped with this.


Not sure why I didn't suggest this but you try using Fiddler? Or another packet sniffer? This should let you see ssl traffic, which might help you narrow it down.

Thanks Josh,View source definitely seems useful for finding the great majority of the non https resources. It doesn't help you find resources that are linked from other resources though.
Craig Hyatt

WireShark may also be of some help if you want something besides Fiddler, Firebug or HttpWatch for tools to try to resolve the issue.

JB King