




i have a weird problem. i would like to delete an assembly(plugin.dll on harddisk) which is already loaded, but the assembly is locked by the operating system (vista), even if i have unloaded it.


AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
setup.ShadowCopyFiles = "true";
AppDomain appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(assemblyName + "_AppDomain", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence, setup);
IPlugin plugin = (IPlugin)appDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assemblyName,                        "Plugin.MyPlugins");

I also need the assemblyinfos, because I don't know which classes in the pluginassembly implements the IPlugin Interface. It should be possible to have more than one Plugin in one Pluginassembly.

Assembly assembly = appDomain.Load(assemblyName);
if (assembly != null) {
   Type[] assemblyTypes = assembly.GetTypes();
   foreach (Type assemblyTyp in assemblyTypes) {
      if (typeof(IPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(assemblyTyp)) {
         IPlugin plugin = (IPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyTyp);
         plugin.AssemblyName = assemblyNameWithEx;
         plugin.Host = this;

How is it possible to get the assemblyinfos from the appDomain without locking the assembly?

best regards

+2  A: 

What we do, is to have one folder that is watched for assemblies. When an assembly is added, the application copies it to a temp directory gives it a unique file name and loads it from there.

When the application is first loaded, it tries to clear out the temp directory.

I don't think that directly answers your question, but it probably solves your problem.

Stever B
+1 for shadow copies
Nader Shirazie

hello Steve B,

yes i think it should work in this case too but i can't belive that that is the right way. it looks like a workaround.

the object AppDomainSetup has the property ShadowCopyFiles. this should be the solution, but it doesn't work in this case.

+2  A: 

If you load the assembly as a stream, it should work.

byte[] fileContent;
string path = "../../../test/bin/Debug/test.dll"; //Path to plugin assembly
using (FileStream dll = File.OpenRead(path))
   fileContent = new byte[dll.Length];
   dll.Read(fileContent, 0, (int)dll.Length);
Assembly assembly = appDomain.Load(fileContent);
Øyvind Skaar
it should, but it doesnt. :(UnauthorizedAccessException at File.Delete(path);
Can you delete the file if you don't load the assembly first?
Øyvind Skaar
+8  A: 


I think i've the answer! the answer from Øyvind Skaar will not work, if you would like to delete the loaded assembly.

instead of

using (FileStream dll = File.OpenRead(path))
   fileContent = new byte[dll.Length];
   dll.Read(fileContent, 0, (int)dll.Length);
Assembly assembly = appDomain.Load(fileContent);

you have to use

byte[] b = File.ReadAllBytes(assemblyName);
assembly = Assembly.Load(b);

best regards

It worked fine when I tried it, but yours is shorter anyway;)
Øyvind Skaar

Unfortunately the "solution" seems to be incompatible when adding symbols/debugging. The following code demonstrates the problem:

byte[] bytesDLL = File.ReadAllBytes(pathDLL);
byte[] bytesPDB = File.ReadAllBytes(pathPDB);
Assembly assembly = tempDomain.Load(bytesDLL, bytesPDB);
File.Delete(pathDLL); // <-- UnauthorizedAccessException here

File.Delete works just before the tempDomain.Load call, but not after. Strangely, Vista still lets me manually rename/delete the DLL at any point by hand, so the file lock if that's what's going on is behaving quite strangely and File.Delete behaves different than manual delete. I'm at a loss here, and all my experimentation has yielded a wide variety of incomplete solutions... it seems to be "Pick any 2: dynamically load symbols with assembly, have an unloadable domain, avoid file locks." I even tried making temp files for the DLL and PDB we read in, but it chooses to lock the original DLL despite our precautions.


Further, if one loads this way to the Current domain, then a file lock is not created. Why would a file lock be created for one domain but not the other? I've tried using ShadowCopyFiles etc to no avail.

byte[] bytesDLL = File.ReadAllBytes(pathDLL);
byte[] bytesPDB = File.ReadAllBytes(pathPDB);
Assembly assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(bytesDLL, bytesPDB);
// Don't even have to try to unload the domain
File.Delete(pathDLL); // <-- No exceptions this time

Too bad the whole point of these attempts is to update a debuggable DLL with a new one without restarting the whole service... Thus they need to be unloadable (in another domain).


I know this thread is quite dead, but I am currently working on this and I just got the answer (at 1h30 AM...)

AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
setup.ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
AppDomain app = AppDomain.CreateDomain("YaCsi", null, setup);

static void LoaderCallback()
    byte[] raw = File.ReadAllBytes("__YaCsi_Test01.dll");
    Assembly yacsi = Assembly.Load(raw);

And it actually don't throw any exceptions!!! Hope someone will read this and that it will answer there question!
