I have a javascript function (class) that takes a function reference as one paremter.
function MyClass ( callBack ) {
if (typeof callBack !== 'function')
throw "You didn't pass me a function!"
For reasons I won't go in to here, I need to append something to the function by enclosing it in an anonymous function, but the only way I've been able to figure out how to do it is by adding a public function to MyClass that takes the callBack function as a parameter and returns the modified version.
function MyClass () {
this.modifyCallBack = function ( callBack ) {
var oldCallBack = callBack;
callBack = function () {
oldCallBack(); // call the original functionality
/* new code goes here */
return callBack;
/* elsewhere on the page, after the class is instantiated and the callback function defined */
myCallBackFunction = MyClassInstance.modifyCallBack( myCallBackFunction );
Is it possible to make this work when passing the callBack function as a parameter to the class? Attempting to modify the function in this manner when passign it as a parameter seems to only affect the instance of it in within the class, but that doesn't seem like it's a valid assumption since functions are Objects in javascript, and are hence passed by reference.
Update: as crescentfresh pointed out (and I failed to explain well), I want to modify the callBack function in-place. I'd rather not call a second function if it's possible to do all of this when the class is instantiated.