Hi are there any nice videos on how to use exceptions in Delphi.
Here is an article on the basics, a video on exceptions in constructors & destructors, and another video on delayed exception handling.
Jim McKeeth did one for CodeRage III called: "Delayed Exception Handling This is a more robust way of handling exceptions. Learn to prevent memory leaks and simplify code when dealing with multiple objects. This is an advanced session taking advantage of some of the latest Delphi 2009 features."
See: Wednesday, December 3, 2008 7:00pm - 8:00pm Room 1 http://conferences.codegear.com/coderage08/sessions
Although I've downloaded it I haven't had a chance to view it yet.
There's also Jim's session for Coderage 2: Exceptional Exceptions
(ping Jim: I didn't see the link on your web page)
I made one awhile ago: Movie #30 - Exceptions in Constructors and Destructors.