Duplicate: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/216569/are-the-days-of-the-stored-procedure-numbered
We have a consultant who develops web applications using PHP and Ruby on Rails (RoR) who is responsible for designing/maintaining/developing a small web application for our company. I needed to build a data-feed from his MySQL repository to SQL Server and noted that the queries he was using were imperfect and creating a production issue with unique id
s being used more than once.
The current process involved creating a file from PHP using a query. The PHP grabbed the dataset and then parsed the data according to some business rules.
I'm converting the process to SSIS and have a single query that does what his original query and his PHP script did, but does it correctly in a single pass.
In the ensuing conversation, I realized something: He had no idea that stored procedures even existed, or (consequently) knowledge of their use!
Three questions (please link if any have been answered):
- In your opinion, do stored procedures produce code that is easier to maintain or extend, or do ORMs?
- Is not knowing Stored Procedures a deal breaker? Should programmers that are writing data access code (or more generally, web applications) know how to write stored procedures?
- For the 'older' crowd that use Stored Procedures and have recently jumped on the ORM Bandwagon: How painful was the transition, and should older programmers learn the fundamentals of ORMs?