I see in the documentation (which should have been distributed with the packge, but is available at http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/listings/listings.pdf) for listings
that there is a settable property called upquote
to take care of this.
From the documentation:
upquote=⟨true|false⟩ false
determines whether the left and right quote are printed ‘’ or `'. This
key requires the textcomp package if true.
Do something like
before begin
ing the list environment, or use
It is also possible that tis property is already set for you in the appropriate language definition (see the docs again, big list of predefined languages on page 12).
\lstloadlanguages{<dialects you need>}
in the header. And then set the language using either of the above conventions for choosing options.