We have a C# application that connects to a FTP server, downloads some files, disconnects, and after a certain amount of time (selected by the user through the UI) reconnects and repeats the process. We implemented this using BackgroundWorker, but we noticed that after running for a longer time, the program stopped logging its actions, both in the UI and the log file. At that point, there were no files for it to download, so we uploaded some and it resumed activity as if nothing had happened.
The problem was that the regular users had no way of knowing that the program was still working, so we decided to implement it using our own threading. We did a simpler program, to rule out any other problems, and this one only connects to the FTP and disconnects. It stopped displaying messages just like BackgroundWorker (one time after 2 hours, one time after 22 hours, without any pattern that we could find, and on a computer that did nothing else).
DoFTPWork += new DoFTPWorkDelegate(WriteFTPMessage);
FTPWorkThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Process));
//seData is the FTP login info
and the FTP method is:
private void Process(object seData1)
seData = (SEData)seData1;
while (!stopped)
ftp = null;
ftp = new FTP_Client();
if (ftp.IsConnected)
logMessages += DateTime.Now + "\t" + "info" + "\t" + "Ftp disconnected from " + seData.host + "\r\n";
ftp.Connect(seData.host, 21);
ftp.Authenticate(seData.userName, seData.password);
logMessages += DateTime.Now + "\t" + "info" + "\t" + "Ftp connected to " + seData.host + "\r\n";
error = false;
logMessages += DateTime.Now + "\t" + "info" + "\t" + "Trying to reconnect in 5 seconds\r\n";
SlaveEventArgs ev = new SlaveEventArgs();
ev.Message = logMessages;
txtLog.Invoke(DoFTPWork, ev);
logMessages = "";
catch (Exception ex)
logMessages = "";
if (ftp.IsConnected)
logMessages += DateTime.Now + "\t" + "ERR" + "\t" + ex.Message + "\r\n";
logMessages += DateTime.Now + "\t" + "info" + "\t" + "Trying to reconnect in 5 seconds\r\n";
SlaveEventArgs ev = new SlaveEventArgs();
ev.Message = logMessages;
txtLog.Invoke(DoFTPWork, ev);
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000);
error = true;
WriteFTPMessage displays the message in a TextBox and in the original program wrote to a .txt file.