



using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace pro.Classes
    public class CSVParser 
        Stream _stream; 
        /// /// Creates Parser from Stream /// /// 

        public CSVParser(Stream aStream) 
            _stream = aStream; 
            CSVregEx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(\"([^\"]*|\"{2})*\"(,|$))|\"[^\"]*\"(,|$)|[^,]+(,|$)|(,)"); 
        string delimiter = ","; 
        string quotes = "\""; 
        System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex CSVregEx; 

        protected string[] BreakCSV(string source) 
            MatchCollection matches = CSVregEx.Matches(source); 
            string[] res = new string[matches.Count]; 
            int i = 0; foreach (Match m in matches) 
                res[i] = m.Groups[0].Value.TrimEnd(delimiter[0]).Trim(quotes[0]); i++; 
            return res; 

        private string _TableName = "CSV"; 

        public string TableName 
                return _TableName;
                _TableName = value; 
        public DataTable ParseToDataTable() 
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(_stream); 
            string firstLine = reader.ReadLine(); 
            string[] columns = BreakCSV(firstLine); 
            DataTable result = new DataTable(); 
            result.TableName = TableName; 
            foreach (string s in columns) 
            { DataColumn cm = new DataColumn(s, typeof(String)); 
                cm.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute; result.Columns.Add(cm); 
            } string line =""; while (!reader.EndOfStream) 
                line = reader.ReadLine(); 
                string[] data = BreakCSV(line); 
                int i = 0; DataRow dr = result.NewRow(); 
                foreach (string d in data) { dr[i++] = d; } result.Rows.Add(dr); 
            return result;

It look like you're trying to parse CSV; see "A Class File which parses csv and returns a dataSet as a result ASP.Net" for a related question, or look at CsvReader.

I would have to look very hard at that regex to see if it covers all the edge cases, but I'm pretty confident that CsvReader does, including:

  • alternative separators (think: French Excel, tsv, pipe-delimited, etc)
  • quote-escaped
  • multi-line


Oh - and if you're using a Regex like that, it might as well be static readonly, and pre-compiled (RegexOptions.Compiled).

Marc Gravell

I also came accross http://kbcsv.codeplex.com/ which has an excellent library for importing CSV files. I've looked for hourse and came across this. I've tried it with a number of formats and must tip my hat to the gent who built it and made it available. This has saved me days of time.


Instead of using a regex or writing your own parser in general why not use the TextFieldParser in the Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO namespace? I used this in c# for something at work with good results. Then you'd just have to write the wrapper code to return the data as you'd like.

Brian Surowiec