What do you recommend for setting the MAMP development stack? I've seen the quickstart thing at http://www.mamp.info, but I don't really like that approach. I'd rather have a full-fledged Apache that I can install any number of modules into. I remember seeing in the Leopard Server demo a really slick GUI that allows you to setup all this stuff, add virtual hosts, etc, and was wondering if anything similar is available for the non-server Leopard.
You could use Darwin Ports or Fink to install everything from scratch.
Paul Tomblin
2009-01-12 15:33:37
OS X already comes with Apache, PHP, Perl and Python. Just install MySQL and edit the Apache config file as needed and you should be golden.
2009-01-12 19:09:00
Last time I used the default apache it was not apache2 yet.
Simon Groenewolt
2009-01-12 21:59:48
It is Apache2 in Leopard.
2009-01-14 04:01:33