I have a GridView bound to an ICollection<UserAnswer>
that needs to show two columns:
<asp:GridView ID="UserAnswersGridView" runat="server">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Question.Name" HeaderText="Question Name" SortExpression="QuestionID" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Score" HeaderText="Score" SortExpression="Score" />
But I get the error:
A field or property with the name 'Question.Name' was not found on the selected data source.
Each UserAnswer
has a QuestionId
value which is what I would use to query the question name. In code, I would just call userAssessment.Question.Name
, but how would I do this with a bound column in a GridView without creating a new type?
For reference this is the method that returns the data:
public static ICollection<UserAnswer> GetUserAnswers(Int32 userAssessmentId)
DataContext database = new DataContext(GetConnectionString());
return database.UserAnswers.Where(u => u.UserAssessmentId == userAssessmentId).ToList();
Sorry if this explanation isn't very clear!