I have a dynamically created menu which I have a menuItemClick event tied in. In this event I want to execute a simple window.open script that uses the clicked items' url. The reason I need to do this is I need to set the parameters of the window opening (i.e. no scroll bars, no toolbars, etc...).
My question is, is there a way simply create a string of the script to be executed and then actually execute it?
So far I have:
string script = "window.open('" + e.Item.NavigateUrl + "' ,'_MAIN_WINDOW','width='+ screen.width + '-60,height=' + screen.height + '-500,left=' + screen.left + '-30,top=' + screen.top + '-30,screenx=0,screeny=0,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,copyhistory=no, resizable=yes')";
But I have no idea how to then execute this script.