UPDATE So totally pulled a tool moment. I really meant by reference versus Out/Ref. Anything that says 'ref' I really meant by reference as in
SomeMethod(Object someObject)
SomeMethod(out someObject)
Sorry. Just don't want to change the code so the answers already make sense.
Far as I understand, unlike ref where it "copies" the pointer and creates a new space on the stack to use that pointer, but won't change the pointer:
SomeThing outer = new SomeThing();
RefMethod(ref outer)
RefMethod(ref inner) //new space on stack created and uses same pointer as outer
inner.Hi = "There"; //updated the object being pointed to by outer
inner = new SomeThing();//Given a new pointer, no longer shares pointer with outer
//New object on the heap
Out copies the pointer and can manipulate where it points to:
SomeThing outer = new SomeThing();
RefMethod(out outer)
RefMethod(out inner) //same pointer shared
inner = new SomeThing();//pointer now points to new place on heap
//outer now points to new object
//Old object is orphaned if nothing else points to it
That's fine and dandy with objects, but what about value types seeing as they have nothing to point to being only on the stack?