




I don't want to type /cygdrive/c/path/to/stuff, especially when using tools that don't know anything about cygwin. Is there a way to configure cygwin to autocomplete "c:\path\to\stuff" or even "c:/path/to/stuff"?

+2  A: 

Autocomplete should be working after the /cygdrive/c bit. Make a symlink for "/cygdrive/c/" to something else, like "ln -s /cygdrive/c /c". Also, make sure your inputrc is set up correctly.

J. John
Better to use "mount" instead of symlinks in this case...
I was shooting from the hip.
J. John
self -1: didn't answer your question. Actually, I have that problem, too, with Gvim for windows. I usually put the stuff in my cygwin tree, or CD to it and run the Gvim from that directory down "/cygdrive/c/MyDoc..."
J. John
+6  A: 

For tools that can't understand cygwin paths, you'll need to convert them to windows paths. The cygpath utility can do this for you:

notepad $(cygpath -w /cygdrive/c/path/to/stuff)

You can probably create aliases or wrapper scripts for commonly-used windows executables.


Windows itself can autocomplete paths, with some minor registry tweaks. Or am I missing something in this question?

Kevin Haines
You're missing the point that cygwin is not running cmd.exe but its own bash shell :-).
Actaully, it is a bash shell in a cmd.exe, again, at least on my box. i've been meaning to run the patch to Putty to host the bash shell locally.
J. John
Kevin Haines