I am new to relational algebra and for my assignment I have to create two. I have written out the problem I have faced in SQL but I am unsure of how to represent such joins in relational algebra. Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
SELECT ps.FirstName AS StudentFirstName, ps.LastName AS StudentLastName, pst.FirstName AS StaffFirstName , pst.LastName AS StaffLastName, pg.FirstName AS GuardianFirstName, pg.LastName AS GuadianLastName, i.DateTimeReported, i.NatureOfIllness
FROM Incident i
JOIN Student s USING (StudentID)
JOIN Person ps ON (s.StudentID = ps.PersonID)
JOIN Staff st USING (StaffID)
JOIN Person pst ON (st.StaffID = pst.PersonID)
JOIN Guardian g USING (GuardianID)
JOIN Person pg ON (g.GuardianID = pg.PersonID)
WHERE i.DecisionMade IS NULL;