How do I simply get GET and POST values with JQuery?
What I want to do is something like this:
$('#container-1 > ul').tabs().tabs('select', $_GET('selectedTabIndex'));
How do I simply get GET and POST values with JQuery?
What I want to do is something like this:
$('#container-1 > ul').tabs().tabs('select', $_GET('selectedTabIndex'));
For GET parameters, you can grab them from
var $_GET = {};\??(?:([^=]+)=([^&]*)&?)/g, function () {
function decode(s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s.split("+").join(" "));
$_GET[decode(arguments[1])] = decode(arguments[2]);
For POST parameters, you can serialize the $_POST
object in JSON format into a <script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $_POST = <?php echo json_encode($_POST); ?>;
While you're at it (doing things on server side), you might collect the GET parameters on PHP as well:
var $_GET = <?php echo json_encode($_GET); ?>;
Note: You'll need PHP version 5 or higher to use the built-in json_encode
Update: Here's a more generic implementation:
function getQueryParams(qs) {
qs = qs.split("+").join(" ");
var params = {};
var tokens;
while (tokens = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g.exec(qs)) {
= decodeURIComponent(tokens[2]);
return params;
var $_GET = getQueryParams(;
There's a plugin for jQuery to get GET params called .getUrlParams
For POST the only solution is echoing the POST into a javascript variable using PHP, like Moran suggested.
With any server-side language, you will have to emit the POST variables into javascript.
var my_post_variable = '<%= Request("post_variable") %>';
Just be careful of empty values. If the variable you attempt to emit is actually empty, you will get a javascript syntax error. If you know it's a string, you should wrap it in quotes. If it's an integer, you may want to test to see if it actually exists before writing the line to javascript.
Thanks for all your replies, how varied! I also found this which did the trick:
Here's something to gather all the GET
variables in a global object, a routine optimized over several years. Since the rise of jQuery, it now seems appropriate to store them in jQuery itself, am checking with John on a potential core implementation.
'Q' : <= 1 ? {}
: function(a){
var i = a.length,
r = /%25/g, // Ensure '%' is properly represented
h = {}; // (Safari auto-encodes '%', Firefox 1.5 does not)
while(i--) {
var p = a[i].split('=');
h[ p[0] ] = r.test( p[1] ) ? decodeURIComponent( p[1] ) : p[1];
return h;
Example usage:
switch ($.Q.event) {
case 'new' :
default :
Hope this helps. ;)
Or you can use this one, it's smaller than most (minified 449 bytes), returns an object representing name-value pairs.
jQuery plugins seem nice but what I needed is a quick js function to parse the get params. Here is what I have found.