I'm looking at converting a web site from classic ASP to ASP.NET. I'm thinking of doing an agile style approach and providing deliverables as quickly as possible and so am thinking of doing a line by line conversion and creating "bad" ASP.NET and have it all in the ASPX file for phase 1 and get that working. That, I figure, will be the fastest and safest (i.e. preserving identical functionality). The next phase would be to split the code out into codebehind and multi-tiers.
I plan on replacing the VBScript in the ASP files with C# in the ASPX files.
So apart from general comments about what I'm planning on doing (which I welcome) the specific question that I have is: Are there any helper functions out there that wrap the VBScript functions from ASP to a C# equivalent that someone's already done?
So I'd be looking for a C# file (library) that has wrappers like:
string Mid(string txt,int start,int length)
return txt.SubString(start, length); // or is it start - 1?
double Abs(double num)
return Math.Abs(num);