



Taking this article on classes and structs as an example:

namespace ProgrammingGuide
    // Class definition.
    public class MyCustomClass
        // Class members:
        // Property.
        public int Number { get; set; }

        // Method.
        public int Multiply(int num)
            return num * Number;

        // Instance Constructor.
        public MyCustomClass()
            Number = 0;
    // Another class definition. This one contains
    // the Main method, the entry point for the program.
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create an object of type MyCustomClass.
            MyCustomClass myClass = new MyCustomClass();

            // Set the value of a public property.
            myClass.Number = 27;

            // Call a public method.
            int result = myClass.Multiply(4);

suppose I wanted to make use of the "myClass" defined in the Main routine elsewhere in the program as if it were a global class.

How would I do that?

+1  A: 
static MyCustomClass myClass;
public static MyCustomClass MyClass {get {return myClass;}}
static void Main(string[] args)
    // Create an object of type MyCustomClass.
    myClass = new MyCustomClass();


Now you can use Program.MyClass

Marc Gravell
Alternatively, look at the singleton pattern:
Marc Gravell

Something like the example below.

class Program
    public MyCustomClass myClass;

    public Program()
        // Create an object of type MyCustomClass.
        myClass = new MyCustomClass();

        // Set the value of a public property.
        myClass.Number = 27;

        // Call a public method.
        int result = myClass.Multiply(4);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Program program = new Program();
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