One way to call a function in the original page is like this:
location.href = "javascript:void(myFunction());";
It is a bit ugly. There is also the unsafeWindow provided by GreaseMonkey too, but the authors advise against using it.
Looks neater but make sure you understand the ramifications. From the manual:
unsafeWindow bypasses Greasemonkey's
XPCNativeWrapper-based security model,
which exists to make sure that
malicious web pages cannot alter
objects in such a way as to make
greasemonkey scripts (which execute
with more privileges than ordinary
Javascript running in a web page) do
things that their authors or users did
not intend. User scripts should
therefore avoid calling or in any
other way depending on any properties
on unsafeWindow - especally if if they
are executed for arbitrary web pages,
such as those with @include *, where
the page authors may have subverted
the environment in this way.
In other words, your script elevates the privileges available to the original page script if you use unsafeWindow.