



I'm trying to run the get-service command on a remote machine in powershell. After doing some research, it appears this is only possilbe n powershell 2 CTP, which I cannot use as I need to use the version of powershell installed with exchange, which is usualy 1. It seems the -computerName switch is only availible in get-service in ps 2. So i've pretty much decided its a no-go, but wanted to see if anyone here had an clever solutions before I give up on it.

+5  A: 

Well, you can go directly to WMI the get the service information.

gwmi Win32_Service -computername FOO
+3  A: 

This will work in v1:

[System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController]::GetServices("String machineName")

Shay Levy
+4  A: 

Those are all fine answers but they only help you with Services. What you want is somethign that will work with anything:

WINRS is your best friend!

[4120:0]PS> winrs -r:localhost powershell get-service h*

Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  hidserv            Human Interface Device Access
Running  hkmsvc             Health Key and Certificate Management
Stopped  HomeGroupListener  HomeGroup Listener
Running  HomeGroupProvider  HomeGroup Provider

BTW - WINRS uses WS-MAN which means it will work across firewalls.

Experiment! Enjoy! Engage!

Jeffrey Snover [MSFT] Windows Management Partner Architect

Jeffrey Snover - MSFT
To set up your machines, start with the command "winrs quickconfig".