I am using the ShowWindow method from User32 to hide a window (cmd.exe) from the user (mainly to prevent them from closing it). When the user opens the form, the process is started, and hid, then when the form is closing the process is killed. However, when the form is opened again, it doesn't hide the window (and sometimes doesn't the first time) Can someone help me with this?
private static extern int ShowWindow(int hwnd, int nCmdShow); //this will allow me to hide a window
public ConsoleForm(Process p) {
this.p = p;
ShowWindow((int)p.MainWindowHandle, 0); //0 means to hide the window. See User32.ShowWindow documentation SW_HIDE
this.inStream = p.StandardInput;
this.outStream = p.StandardOutput;
this.errorStream = p.StandardError;
wr = new watcherReader(watchProc);
wr.BeginInvoke(this.outStream, this.txtOut, null, null);
wr.BeginInvoke(this.errorStream, this.txtOut2, null, null);
private delegate void watcherReader(StreamReader sr, RichTextBox rtb);
private void watchProc(StreamReader sr, RichTextBox rtb) {
string line = sr.ReadLine();
while (line != null && !stop && !p.WaitForExit(0)) {
line = stripColors(line);
rtb.Text += line + "\n";
line = sr.ReadLine();
public void start(string[] folders, string serverPath) {
this.inStream.WriteLine("chdir C:\\cygwin\\bin");
//this.inStream.WriteLine("bash --login -i");
private void ConsoleForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) {
this.stop = true;
try {
} catch (InvalidOperationException) {