



I have a reporting module which creates PDF reports from ListViews.

Now, I have a ListView in Virtual mode and therefore I cannot loop over the Items collection.

How do I loop over all elements in the list view from the reporting module?

I can get the VirtualListSize property, so I know how many elements there are in the list. Could I somehow call the RetreiveVirtualItem explicitly?

The Reporting module has no knowledge about the underlaying list in the ListView.

+4  A: 

So, a listview in virtual mode is just a visualization of your underlying list, correct?

Perhaps report should be getting the data from the underlying list instead of the virtual list view.

Tim Jarvis
Well, that is the problem. The reporting module has no knowledge of underlaying list, it only knows about the ListView.

The best solution I came up with is to have a delegate in the report class where a pass on the same delegate as I set on the ListView.RetrieveVirtualItem.

class Report {
   // Called when the content of an VirtualItem is needed.
   public event RetrieveVirtualItemEventHandler RetrieveVirtualItem;

   private AddRows() {
      for (int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++) 

   private ListViewItem GetItem(n) {
      if (_listView.VirtualMode)
         return GetVirtualItem(n);
      return _listView.Items[n];

    private ListViewItem GetVirtualItem(int n)
        if (RetrieveVirtualItem == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                "Delegate RetrieveVirtualItem not set when using ListView in virtual mode");

        RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs e = new RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs(n);
        RetrieveVirtualItem(_listView, e);
        if (e.Item != null)
            return e.Item;
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("n", "Not in list");

   private static int GetItemsCount()
      if (_listView.VirtualMode)
          return _listView.VirtualListSize;
      return _listView.Items.Count;

You can always expose the underlying list to the outside world:

foreach (object o in virtListView.UnderlyingList)

In a virtual ListView, you cannot iterate the Items, but you can still access them by their index:

for (int i = 0; i <  theVirtualListView.VirtualListSize; i++) {
That simple huh? I did not know you were allowed to use the indexer when in virtual mode, but it works as a charm.Thank you.