Long title, I know but I searched all over and couldn't find that error message coming from that function call so I thought this might be more useful.
This is the code snippet:
string hql = " from LabRequest r where 1 = 1 ";
hql += " and 0 < (select count(rs) ";
hql += " from r.Statuses rs ";
hql += " where rs.StatusType.Description IN ('Assigned','Submitted')";
hql += " ) ";
IQuery query = Session.CreateQuery(hql);
IQueryable<LabRequest> requests = query.List<LabRequest>().AsQueryable<LabRequest>();
This is a function (or most of it) in my Data Access Object in an MVC app I'm working on. It's for a search page and when the page runs this function gets called exactly like you see in the code and works.
Then, without changing anything, I refresh the page which goes through the same steps and calls this code, exactly as you see it, again. But the second time through it crashes on the query.List() portion of the last line with the error in the subject.
Session is defined in another DAO as:
session = NHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession();
I know this is hard to analyze without the actual DB but I just wanted to see if anyone could maybe point me in the right direction, or maybe point out something obvious about NHibernate since I know basically nothing about it.
Edit: forgot to mention that when I uncomment the Session.Clear() it works fine, so was thinking the answer has something to do with that, and if it does how I should handle when to clear()?
Edit 2: This is part of the answer, but I call a very similar function prior to this one the second time around. What I can't figure out is why that one is affecting the one I posted. The 'query' variable is local, so it seems to be something with Session.CreateQuery. Anyone know what that would be?
Thanks, Jeff