I have the following tables in mysql:
team: id, name, [more stuff]
person: id, name, team, [more stuff]
entry: id, name, team, [more stuff]
registrations: id, event_id, team, status
registration_people: registration_id, person_id
registration_entries: registration_id, entry_id
I would like to query the database and return details about each person and entry, grouped by registration. I've learned over the years to do as much as I can in SQL, however, I don't see a good way to generate this in a single query without doing a lot of work in PHP. The naive way to do this would be [pseudocode]:
$registrations = $model->get_registrations($event_id);
foreach ($registrations as $registration)
$registration['people'] = $model->get_people_in_registration($registration['id']);
$registration['entries'] = $model->get_entries_in_registration($registration['id']);
return $registrations;
However, this code does many round-trips to the server, and shouldn't be used. The other idea I had was to do something like:
$registrations = $model->get_registrations($event_id);
$registration_entries = $model->get_registration_entries($event_id);
$registration_people = $model->get_registration_people($event_id);
foreach ($registrations as $r)
$reg[$r['id']] = $r;
foreach ($registrations_entries as $e)
$reg[$e['registration_id']]['entries'][] = $e;
foreach ($registrations_people as $p)
$reg[$p['registration_id']]['people'][] = $p;
return $reg;
where get_registration_entries/get_registration_people do a join and grab all registration_entries that are associated with the registrations in $event_id. However, this seems like I'm doing a join in PHP, when I might be able to get SQL to do it for me. Am I just being paranoid, or am I missing something here?