I'm using code that takes a bitmap and converts it to 24 BPP so that I can use it in a program that specifically requires that file format. Here is the code:
using (Bitmap tempImage = new Bitmap(pageToScan.FullPath))
if (tempImage.PixelFormat != System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
using (Bitmap tempImage2 = new Bitmap(tempImage.Size.Width, tempImage.Size.Height,
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tempImage2))
g.DrawImage(tempImage, new Point(0, 0));
RecognizeBitmap(pageToScan, tempImage2); //Thanks to Tim on this refactoring.
RecognizeBitmap(pageToScan, tempImage);
I have two questions about the code above:
- With a particular image, I think that this clipped the rightmost 200 pixels right off of tempImage2. Is this possible? How might this happen, and how can I stop it? A friend of mine suggested that it might have to do with the stride of the TIFF file being used.
- Is there a faster way to convert an image to 24 BPP in memory?