



Hi- I'm wanting to create a user account creation section for unregistered users on our internet site. I want to ask the same questions as the CreateUserWizard control but have a few changes. I want the question to come from a question lookup table in SQL. The user will have a dropdown of available questions and I'll store the questionid they selected and the answer. Also, I want to store 1 other piece of data about the user (SSN).

My questions are: 1) Is forms based authentication an acceptable solution for this if using SSL? 2) Can I add additional columns (questionid and ssn) to the membership table or another table and how do I do that so I can save the info in the 'blessed' way? Will the solution have any negative effect if down the road I want to add password reset/recovery?

When adding columns, does it make sense to invoke Membership.CreateUser rather than using the CreateUserWizard?



1) Yes it is. You can extend Membership with Profiles, and add any arbitrary fields you like

2) You can customize the CreateUserWizard a great deal, but behind the scenes it just ends up calling Membership.Create user. Personally, I would just roll my own (since it really isn't all that hard) unless you want to use the default wizard. But that is more personal preference then anything else.

NOTE: the link I provided for Profiles assumes you are using a WebSite project. If you are using Web Application projects, there are a few additional steps you can read about here.

Matt Briggs
If I roll my own, what considerations should I consider to keep the site secure? I was considering doing everything using SSL and using simple SQL lookups in the code behind to verify authentication. Sound OK? Anything else to consider?
Password hashing. Login persistence (use a cookie? jam it in the session?). Audit logging. Enabling/Disabling/Deleting of users. It depends what you are making (if it is for comments on a blog, not a big deal. Bank software, very big deal) and what your requirements are.
Matt Briggs